Friday, February 15, 2008
Wazzup fellows and meshmellows.
Tmr going for some open house at Swissotel. Well, can't sleep late.
Anyways, still wonderin' whether to go Johor or not with ma tribe membaz.
Will update soon. XD
-over and out-
7:15 AM

Monday, February 4, 2008
Hey wassup..
If you noticed the top of my list of links, there's one new link called "Kill Stress NOW!"
Got an announcement to make =)
That's my new 2nd blog account.
The reason why I created the blog is for one and ONLY one purpose. To entertain.
Didn't use Urban Language for that blog cuz that's not the theme. X)
Anywayz, don't get confused between my two blog accounts.
Juz remember that:
1) is my personal journey and personal views
2) is for da sake of entertainment
So I hope you do enjoy both blogs. Juz leave me any comments if you gotta spit it out =P
-over and out-
3:13 AM

Friday, February 1, 2008
Yo 'Ssup..
Just now went to TM with some of my x-classmates. Well...i thought da trip was alright. Ate pizzas and was a normal reunion.
Reminds me of one thing...
Let us go way back to the ancient times, b4 all metals were made into spoons and coal burned into diamonds.
During those times, if you've decided to travel and explore outta your village, you'll never come back. Well, at least not for some. Take for example Marco Polo. He went to China for years, then back to Venice, and what did he brought home? How to make Noodles. =)
Nah...just kiddin'. He did brought home something useful I've forgotten what.
Anyways...most of the cases, you'll never come back.
Da malays in Africa and some Chinese ancestors that settled in Singapore.
Why they never came back?
Cuz da reasons waz..
1) They found the new place betta' than their old homes
2) They wanna explore and experience
3) They wanna find new opportunities for a betta' living
and lotz more..
But whatever the reason was, one thing remains clear. Most never came back and adapt to their new homes.
So when this happens if you're in the ancient times, least likely ya'll have a reunion with your older friends and relatives cuz it's kinda hard to communicate with faraway bros and sis. Try sending an "I miss you" letter to your family in Australia from Temasek during those ages. If you're a poor guy, all you'll need to do is to swim back to Australia.
Anyways, the main thing is, life wasn't spilled with techs then.
But now, in da modern era, even peeps on Earth can talk to peeps that landed on da Moon.
With technology, reunion becomes possible. So is your Uncle Raju stubborn and still wanna migrate to India? No problem. Let M1, Starhub or Singtel help you. XD
Thinking 'bout how long it's been, it's kinda fascinating how technology can make some things possible. My primary school friends- first time met them in primary 3 and now already graduated from secondary school, are still contacting one another. That's 8 years.
Handphone, Internet, MSN...very useful X)
Sometimes reunion can teach you how time flies and how certain things grow and evolve. And how important communication is.
But I've gotta different perspective. With technology, comes distance communication. With communication, comes reunion X)
Peace outz...
-over and out-
10:26 AM

Saturday, January 26, 2008
Yo Peeps. B4 I begin, let me share a few words. Life in the Modern Era nowadays a.k.a Urban Life requires knowledge to survive. That's the reason why we are all studying. We need to survive. And for those who are takin' the Test, good luck. For those who failed, don't eva give up. Just like Sayn Ruhler...[chheyy...XD]
That day was a real one for me. It was a true deadly shocker.
For the first time ever since I forgotten when, my fear manifested on my expressions. Even 2 days b4 that, I can't even have a good sleep.
Came late to the school that day cuz just return with some of ma broz from the Mosque. Actually that wasn't Friday Prayers. They decided to go there to have a peace of mind and brought me as well. Sort of a good idea. We are all nervous.
I still remembered when my foot first crossed the gates of Loyang, the guard stopped us.
"All of you are late. Mr Nathan ask to wait here".
"Oh mayn" I thought to myself. I dont wanna lecture or holding back. Nor any trouble.
Then came da discipline master.
"Your hair are all okay, can go" with a smile.
-_-"" Nice spoof...
We're already scared enough..
So my face turned pale when we entered the hall. By the time we reached, the presentations were over and every1 was waitin' for their results.
FIRST shocker: I received a mysterious sms wishin' me good luck. That person was so mysterious, she named herself "Human". Actually that's not shocking. It's juz plain mystery XD
SECOND shocker: Venga(my classmate), a carefree and joker dude, the one that says "I'm not interested in anything like that" before da o levels, got 5 distinctions. He was so shocked that he nearly cried. Emotional dude XD
THIRD shocker of the day: L1R5: 16
L1r4: 12
I was so shocked that I kneeled down on the floors of Loyang's Hall. Yeah, I know it sounds cartoon. Lol..And peepz surroundin' me thought I was cryin' with disappointment. Lol..
Seriously, I neva expected to get the points.
I thank Allah for helping me. =)
Anywayz, I've sent in my course options and waiting for the posting results.
To those taking O levels this year, a very good luck to ya'll.
To those who didn't make it, plz dont ever give up. Remember that it's just a slip, NEVA a fall ;)
'Till da next post. X)
-over and out-
10:02 AM

Monday, January 14, 2008
A big Helloz to all of ya'll Felloz.
Ya know, I once heard the Old Folks sayin': "In Life, we have to make choices."
Yeah, it's true. Whether you're an Urbanizer deciding to take the bus or the MRT, or a Kampongian deciding to be a farmer or a fisherman, like it or not, we must make choices in life.
Why I'm sayin' this? Cuz a lot of peeps of my age will naturally get stuck at this stage. I kept on hearin' echoes of "Which Poly Course To Go??"
I dont usually do this. But dis seems fun on the net. XD
For da first time in history, I'm usin' formal language for a post.
Ok, here we go:
Ever wonder which path to go next?
Ever fear of making the wrong option?
Ever hoping to get the best out of the best?
Just follow this step-by-step formula
Step ONE : Ask Yourself
Step TWO: Pick the realistic courses
Step THREE: Look at the future opportunities
Step FOUR: Look at the alternatives
There are a few things you must find out about yourself first:
1)What are your do you love doing?
2)Why do you love doing it?
3)What are your talents?
4)Do you know any jobs related to your talent?
Realistic means as follows:
1) Entry points required.
2) Can you cope in that field.
After finding out which field to work on based IT(Interest and Talent), look at a few factors about the course.
1)What jobs can it provide you in the future.
2)Will the amount of pay in that field satisfy your aims?(Perhaps you don't even mind the pay)
3)Will the course brings benefits? (Singapore's media 21 Plan will be beneficial to Digital Engineering Students,etc)
Don't show a droppy-frowning face when you know you can't get the course. Look at the alternatives. It can be something similar to that field.
1) If you can't get into Media and Communications, choose Mass Comm.
2) Can't get into Mechanical Engineering? Join Mechatronics!
Alryte peeps. I don't even know why I'm doin' dis. LoL.
Next post: How to cope with O Levels.
Hey, if i keep on doin' dis...
Ryte, I promise some humor next time. XD
Perhaps I should cover "100 ways to irritate people" as well. A new way for me to post? Maybe..
Anyways, ya'll still see the Urban Theme.
-over and out-
8:09 AM

Saturday, January 5, 2008
Yaw wassup Urbanizers...its kinda long since I've updated my blog. Well, like I've said, been kinda busy.
But now no longer busy. Cuz quitted that job XD
Actually not literally QUIT, but...
Well, if ya still confused about what happened, let me summarise everything for ya'll.
He called me to the counter and throw vulgars at my face, because my sales was'nt that good. I mean, if customers don't wanna buy, I couldn't be forcing 'em ryte?
He played kinda rough game. But eventually he was scared when something happened. Ain't gonna tell ya'll what.....but whatever it is, it's definitely NOTHING to do with physical violence.
Sayn Ruhler neva solve things through violence =)
Anyways, yeah ur ryte. Kinda bad mood. I mean, he did it in front of everyone present there. Who wouldn't be angry? But no matter, he got his just desserts.
I'm collecting my pay tomorrow and that was the last day I am working there.
Peeps kept asking me:
"Husayn, you gonna work again at another place after this?"
My answer to ya'll is:
"Yes" X)
This time ain't for da money. This time is for the EXPERIENCE. XD
Alryte, c ya'll again.
-Sayn Ruhler over and out-
5:04 AM

Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wassup peeps!! Well it 's along time me neva update, bcuz of work.
Well, ya in this world isn't free. You gotta earn the cash and the mash...XD
Anyways, work was quite tough in the beginning. The one that really tests da patience was'nt the customers, it was the MANAGER.
Can you believe it, only 3 days of work and that dude expected me to know everything in that holy store...and throughout my 7 days of holy work, 5 out of 7 holy days i spent my holy time bursting my holy ears hearing that dude holy nagging. Haha!!
Btw, i use the word 'holy' to replace 'f***'. I'm no vulgar type ya know.. XD
Well..was quite angry at first. Who wouldn't? But i remembered one moment during a Radio Academy Course i entered, when DJ A.B Sheik says that if a listener passes a very harsh and demoralizing comment to a DJ, that DJ have to take things easily and be positive. Who says that advise is only for DJs. X)
Anyways..gonna quit my job around 2nd week of January. Receiving results around the last week of Jan..
What was my experience like working there?
It taught me about the real working tough sometimes it can be to earn $$$.
So kids, never waste your parents money! =P
As much as it taught me to be man[cheyy...], one thing's for sure.
The experience was a HOLY one. XD
'Till the next time when i'm free..
-over and out-
1:47 AM