Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wassup peeps!! Well it 's along time me neva update, bcuz of work.
Well, ya in this world isn't free. You gotta earn the cash and the mash...XD
Anyways, work was quite tough in the beginning. The one that really tests da patience was'nt the customers, it was the MANAGER.
Can you believe it, only 3 days of work and that dude expected me to know everything in that holy store...and throughout my 7 days of holy work, 5 out of 7 holy days i spent my holy time bursting my holy ears hearing that dude holy nagging. Haha!!
Btw, i use the word 'holy' to replace 'f***'. I'm no vulgar type ya know.. XD
Well..was quite angry at first. Who wouldn't? But i remembered one moment during a Radio Academy Course i entered, when DJ A.B Sheik says that if a listener passes a very harsh and demoralizing comment to a DJ, that DJ have to take things easily and be positive. Who says that advise is only for DJs. X)
Anyways..gonna quit my job around 2nd week of January. Receiving results around the last week of Jan..
What was my experience like working there?
It taught me about the real working tough sometimes it can be to earn $$$.
So kids, never waste your parents money! =P
As much as it taught me to be man[cheyy...], one thing's for sure.
The experience was a HOLY one. XD
'Till the next time when i'm free..
-over and out-
1:47 AM

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Hi peeps =)
well...did nth much today. Burger King did not holla me. So maybe I guess...NTUC? XD
I know this sounds crazy, but givin' up ain't in my list nowadays..
Not desperate. But wouldn't it be fun to earn your own $$$? X)
I got holidays till January anyways, there's still time left.
For those UrbaNovas and UrbaNovees out there, one word of advice:
Neva eva give up. Just like Sayn Ruhler...
[cheeeeyyyyyy XD]
'Till da next blog..
=over and out-
12:24 AM

Monday, December 10, 2007
Hi Ya'll UrbaNovas and UrbaNovees!! Hope ya'll still fine, and thnx again for LOYALLY reading my X)
Anyways, just in case if you do not know the meaning of UrbaNovas and UrbaNovees, these 2 words mean people who live in urban areas.
UrbaNovas= Males living in Urban areas
UrbaNovees= Females living in Urban areas
Got it? Good.
Sounds unfamiliar inside the dictionary? That's cuz I created those words. >.<
Anyways. yesterday went to the Central District Area. The buildings and shops were closed though. "Aah?? Today Sunday!", cried the Security Guard. X)
So ya'll can imagine an abandoned city with little people going about. Felt like XD
Ya know peeps, sometimes looking at the urban buildings surrounding me, I felt the same old thing again looking back at me. Well, its not that I hate this life, it's just that...well...I'm thinking about going back to mothernature for a while. Yes, you heard me yaww...MOTHERNATURE. X)
Anyways, c ya'll the next another post. =P
PS: Urban life is still interesting XD
-over and out-
6:40 PM

Saturday, December 8, 2007
I woke up today and breathed in the urban air. Another day living in an urban world. XD
Ya know, sometimes I think of life in a city as an interesting aspect of living. Try to think back in the olden times when everything is so sandy, woody, leafy. Now everything is so...metallic,concrete,solid. Previous times they have animals who fart dioxide. Now we have cars who fart monoxide. Perhaps what I adore is not this urban life, but the way civilisations evolve. X)
Ok..I think crapped enough. lol XD
Anyways, today was fun. Went swimming at Jurong East with my cuzzin and his a.k.a sisters. Had trouble chasing them 'round the lazy pool. You know, kids are very active nowadays X)
Tried the 2nd highest slide. It feels like batman sliding down in that enclosed tunnel. Seriously, it feels damn fast. X)
So tmr I'm gonna look for a job. Hopefully will find one soon. =)
-over and out-
2:06 AM

Friday, December 7, 2007
Wassup Yaww!! XD
Well, i'm gonna discuss bout my blog a bit.
Why the word "Urban Life"?
Well, simple. I live in an urban life. You live in an urban live. We all live in an urban life.
Why "Urbancornerz"?
Cuz for me blogs are like corners of an urban city where people stop to chat bout stuffs, know bout other people's stuffs, doing some stuffs,crappin' some stuffs. You get the point.
Anyways, i'll post more in the future. =)
-over and out-
5:24 AM